*Access to these courses will be available through 4/30/2021, for completion and CE credit.

The Stern ERA for Overdentures

Gene Peterson, CDT – Sterngold

For decades, the Stern ERA has been the attachment of choice when creating the optimal restorative platform for securing an overdenture. Its time-proven design, mechanical characteristics and ease of use continues to provide clinicians and technicians a restorative option second to none.  During this webinar, we will explore the history of the ERA and all its advantages, especially when used in coordination with a denture to create a reliable, secured, and stable overdenture. We will also introduce you to the Baltic Denture System and discuss the advantages of using the ERA in the digital denture workflow.

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Streamlining Your Digital Denture Workflow

Paul Richardson, CDT - VITA

Some current Digital Denture workflows can be messy, inconsistent, and not so cost effective using a laborious process. A streamlined workflow to help the selection of the type of set-up, selection of tooth moulds, control of tooth arrangements, and most of all your requirement of having a one-step bonding method, using a simple and quick method to hold the teeth in place will be presented. Ready to bond, out of the package teeth and tooth customization to fit printed and / or milled denture bases will provide you with more reasons to strongly look at the VITA VIONIC and VIGO solutions.

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The 6 Drivers Of Business Success

John Marshall – Results Driven Business Coaching

This presentation is designed to help viewers achieve greater business results – the results you  deserve. It is engaging because you are going to complete a business assessment on your practice to get your own score out of 100. This score will tell you how strong, weak or underperforming your practice is in 6 key areas. This assessment will help you, for the first time, know why you are often frustrated and overwhelmed in your business and what definitive actions you can take to correct them. The business assessment took John over three years to design. He has taken a very complex topic and made the assessment simple, quick to complete, and very insightful.

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Immediate Dentures: Standard and Advanced Fabrication Protocols - Part I & II

Tom Zaleske, AS, DLT – Matrix Dental Laboratory & Consulting

Analog or digitally fabricated, immediate dentures set the tempo for definitive edentulous treatment. Whether you are fabricating analogue or digitally, single or dual phase immediate denture, communication and fabrication techniques, which address bone trim, surgical guides, corrective tooth positions, flange and palatal contours, and other facets, all play a role in a successful outcome. This two-part course will walk you through several cases using successful techniques that provide a predictable outcome, and set the stage for a better definitive, final denture once healing has occurred.

Areas of discussion to include:

  • The questions that drive fabrication
  • Bone trim philosophies
  • Palatal contour techniques which aid in phonetic adaption
  • Acrylic resin choices for phases of construction
  • Tooth selection
  • Case economics

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Infection Control in the “New Normal”

Gary Morgan – SafeLink

COVID-19 changed our perspective on infection control in the dental laboratory. Mr. Morgan will discuss the procedural changes that should be integral to all dental laboratories for keeping everyone safe from disease transmission. He will discuss the CDC best practices for preventing not only exposures to blood borne pathogens, but also for emerging diseases such as COVID-19 and other droplet transmissible diseases.

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Preventing Laboratory Workplace Injuries and Illnesses!

Gary Morgan – SafeLink

A workplace injury or illness can be a significant event for both the employee and the employer. This presentation will discuss the methods to reduce or eliminate injuries in the lab. Mr. Morgan will address the best practices to prevent illnesses due to exposure to pathogens and hazardous materials and how to be proactive toward the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders.

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Beyond the Basics of Cast Partials

Jeremiah Naas – Preat

A lecture on cast partials that address key strategies allowing improved results within patient care. Areas covered in lecture include, the importance of design theory, pre-setting teeth prior to fabrication and restored confidence with patient care. By increasing a knowledge base in cast partials health care professionals can improve patient care, profits and predictability for your business.

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Enhancing Implant Retained Dentures With The Novaloc Abutment

James Angelone - Straumann

This course is designed to help you get familiar with the Novaloc Abutment. When fabricating implant retained dentures you can run into some sticky situations. I’ll show you how the 15 degree angled abutment and the peek inserts got me out of trouble.

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The Gerber Method - The Cornerstone of Lingualized Occlusion

Arian Deutsch, CDT - Deutsch Dental Arts

The lingualized occlusion concept developed by Gerber with its narrow support areas on the upper palatal cusps (pestle) making contact with the lower lingual fossae (mortar) is a morphological reversal of the occlusal surfaces equivalent to the condylar guidance, and leads to autonomic occlusal stability of dentures and implant supported dentures. Join us for an in-depth look at this concept, and the Gerber method for Complete Dentures and Implant Supported Dentures.

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Panel: Marketing and Business Development in a COVID19 Market

Elvis Dahl - Voices from the Bench (Moderator)
Esther Schwenning - Northern Lights Denture Clinic
John Marshall - Results Driven - Business Coaching
Dean Fenwick - DOMx - Specialized Office Systems

Denturist Marketing Deep Dive

Esther Schwenning - Northern Lights Denture Clinic

Are you just opening a new clinic? Have you just purchased a new clinic? Or do you just want to take your existing operations to the next level? Esther will be going through all the marketing steps she took to accelerate her business to become one of the leaders in the industry. Don’t miss this course that will be full of fun ideas that you can start implementing right away.

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Modern History of Denture Manufacturing: Where the BPS System Came From

Joseph Ratonyi, MDT - INDIVIDUART edu.Lab

Short history of denture manufacturing, from Bonwill, to the BPS system, through Gysi, and Gerber. Interesting topic from the improvement of the articulators and occlusal concepts. Two cases will be shared, an original Gysi setting up, and a Gerber concept.

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A Framework for Consistency with (SEMCD) Suction-Effective Mandibular Complete Denture (Part 1 & Part 2)

Paul McNally - McNally Denture Clinic

In this two hour deep dive you will receive an introduction into the world of SEMCD (Suction Effective Mandibular Complete Denture) developed by Dr. Jiro Abe of Tokyo Japan back in 1999. Mr. Paul McNally is one of Dr. Abe’s international instructors and here he will give an insight into the suction mechanism and the nuances involved both in the clinic and the laboratory to achieve success on a consistent basis.

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Servicing Overdentures: Restore Retention, Reline Review, and More

Ruben Arebalo - Preat

In this course we will review the many problems denturists and their patients experience with overdentures.  We will discuss why these problems happen and the alternative solutions available to the treatment team.  Learn different techniques for chairside.

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Digital Dentures - Human Attached

Alexander Wünsche, CDT, ZT - Amann Girrbach

Alexander Wünsche is sharing the diagnostics to support the fabrication of digital dentures. He will explain how to transfer a digital smile design into a digital denture, utilizing smile design applications, digital articulator in diagnostics and execution. You will understand how to utilize digital tools to finalize highly aesthetic and functional digital removable restorations.

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Annual Business Meeting & Awards

Eric Hansen – President
Megan Mourfield – Treasurer

*This video is not eligible for continuing education credits and is for informative purposes only.